We are the support and resource you did not know you needed.

National Resources

We do the work so you don’t have to

At Home Is Where You Are SCP we want want to make this process for you, your loved one and your family as seamless as possible. That is why we have put together a list of national resources from trusted organizations that could be great solutions for your family.

1. AARP MONEY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (www.aarpmmp.org) Provides a network of money management programs for elders

2. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION (www.alz.org) Resources for individuals, families, and caregivers who are navigating Alzheimer’s 

3. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION COMMISSION ON LAW AND AGING (www.abanet.org/aging) Lists statewide resources to help older adults with legal issues

4. AMERICAN PARKINSON DISEASE ASSOCIATION (www.apdaparkinson.org) Resources for people faced with Parkinson’s Disease

5. BENEFITS CHECK UP (www.benefitscheckup.org). Helps identify benefits programs available for older adults with limited incomes

6. CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES  (http://www.cms.gov) Comprehensive information on Medicare and Medicaid, including ratings of skilled nursing facilities

7. CHARITY NAVIGATOR (www.charitynavigator.org) A guide for giving that rates charities and helps ensure giving to legitimate organizations

8. DAILY CARING  www.dailycaring.com Comprehensive tips for caregivers

9. LEADING AGE (www.leadingage.org) Inspiration, service, and advocacy for older adults

10. LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION (www.lsc.gov) Lists civil legal assistance to low-income US residents

11. LONG TERM CARE (http://longtermcare.acl.gov/) Basics of long-term care - find out about costs, options, and more 

12. LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN (http://www.ltcombudsman.org) Advocacy for rights of people living in long-term care communities 

13. MEALS ON WHEELS  (http://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org) Guide to in home food delivery for seniors

14. MEDICARE (www.medicare.gov) Information on Medicare, including an evaluation of skilled nursing facilities

15. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS (www.naela.org) Searchable directory of elder law attorneys


17. THE NATIONAL CENTER ON ELDER ABUSE (www.ncea.aoa.gov). Provides contact information for reporting suspected elder abuse for each state

18. NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE PREVENTION OF ELDER ABUSE (www.preventelderabuse.org) General information about elder abuse, and lists community resources

19. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON AGING (www.ncoa.org) Resources and options for older adults and families

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